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Applying for Residency:

Women who wish to participate in the Renewed Treasures Ministries Transitional Residency Program will need to complete and submit a formal application. A printable copy of the application can be downloaded here

Completed forms may be mailed to:
Renewed Treasures Ministries
PO Box 2601
Springfield MO 65801-2601

Or fax completed forms to 417-501-1767

If you have questions regarding the application process or are having difficulty downloading, filling out, or submitting an application, please telephone the Renewed Treasures Office or email at

Renewed Treasures Ministries

PO Box 2601

Springfield, MO 65801-2601


Executive Director

Ann Tompkins

(Office) 417-501-1120

(Fax) 417-501-1767


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In Gratitude...

The Renewed Treasures Ministries would like to thank the following contributors to our website. David J. Eslick Photography provided many splendid images presented here. Brett Franklin of Quality Trim and Sign designed our handsome web banner. James S. Baumlin of Research Consultants of the Ozarks helped with the text. Jann Baker designed [and maintains] our site. To these gracious givers, we add our thanks to the pastor and congregation of Northside Assembly of God.

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