House of Hope Women and Their Testimonies
Leesa's Story
In 2013, I found myself homeless and struggling with substance abuse. My life had become completely unmanageable: I wanted instant gratification but, truth to tell, my life had become a living hell. I had lost my family’s trust. And I couldn’t blame them for mistrusting me, since my addictions led to stealing and drug-dealing. I was in and out of Greene County Jail.
In 2014, I knew in my heart that things had to change; so, in June of that year, I contacted the House of Hope and became a resident. I stayed for about a month, but I had not yet learned to give control of my life over to the Lord; I was still into self-gratification, so I turned my back on my children and returned to my old habits. And I found myself back on the streets, becoming destructive once more. This carried on for some months, but I know now that the Lord had a plan for me. He was not willing to give up on me, like I had given up on myself. Instead, the Lord worked through Ms. Ann, who brought me back into the fold.
In October 2014, I returned to the House of Hope and, this time, I was willing to do whatever it took to be freed of my addictions. Since returning to the House of Hope, I have completed eight months of sobriety; the Lord is helping me rebuild my relationships with my children; and I have worked at my current job for six months now. All of this is really changing my life.
I don’t know what the Lord has in store for me, yet I am so grateful that I’m in His will (Jeremiah 29.11 seems so real in my life right now). I thank the Lord that he has brought me through so much. With the Lord, the House of Hope, and the Northside Assembly family in my corner, I know that I can “fight the good fight.” It’s a blessing.